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BUSY At Work’s Alan Kent is Ready to Make a Difference in Gladstone


It’s been a hectic few weeks for BUSY At Work’s new Gladstone Industry Training Consultant, Alan Kent.

BUSY has been servicing Gladstone businesses and the community since 2006 and since commencing with BUSY just five weeks ago, Alan has been working hard to build a strong collaboration with the employment services sector, industry and the community.

Having been based in Gladstone for the past 13 years, Alan is fully aware how Gladstone is constantly changing and evolving.

“While I am not a true local, I know Gladstone very well and I am passionate about this community.”

“I have worked in Rockhampton and Bilolea as well and like Gladstone they both have a very supportive community.

I have built up a great variety of relationships over the years with employees, training organisations and with parents of apprentices while living here,” Mr Kent said.

Alan said BUSY At Work was committed to providing a supportive environment for both job seekers and employers and ensuring that there were long term sustainable jobs for people in the Gladstone Community.

“As an Australian Apprenticeship Support Services Provider (Australian Apprenticeship Support Services), through our Gateway Services BUSY can provide a range of tools and services to assist job seekers find their ideal pathway.”

“We also provide free recruitment services to employers for all their apprenticeship needs,” Mr Kent added.

Alan said BUSY At Work was backing the extension of the Queensland Government’s Youth Boost initiative which was continuing to reap major benefits for small business and unemployed youth in regional areas.

The scheme was planned to end on 31 October this year following a very successful take up but has now been extended to June 2018.

“Gladstone employers can take advantage of the $20,000 Youth Boost payment which is specifically targeted towards employers who hire unemployed youth aged between 15 to 24.”

“Payments are made direct to employers who hire job seekers for apprenticeships and traineeships where the employer is not eligible for Queensland’s Apprentice Trainee rebate for payroll tax,” Mr Kent added.

Alan said payments were also available to employers for employing a person of any age.

“This boost isn’t just for apprentices and trainees. Eligible employees can attract a payment of $10,000, and this increases to $15,000 for employees who have been unemployed for 52 weeks or more.”

Alan said since the Youth Boost payment was introduced by the State Government in December last year he had seen more regional businesses prepared to take on young unemployed youth.

BUSY At Work Managing Director, Paul Miles said youth unemployment remained a significant issue in regional areas like Gladstone.

“BUSY At Work are strong advocate for apprenticeships and traineeships as valued career pathways and the Youth Boost payment is a great incentive for employers to hire an apprentice or trainee and help grow their business.”

“The Youth Boost payment has provided a greater uptake of apprentices and trainees into businesses and industry and the extension of the payment will encourage employers to continue to hire more unemployed young people,” Mr Miles said.

The Youth Boost payment is made up of three installments which are paid directly to employers across a 12 month employment period. Payments are subject to employers continuing to meet the Youth Boost payment eligibility requirements.

Find out more information about Youth Boost and the Back to Work Program

Businesses can visit or call 13 QGOV Call (13 74 68).


Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator
0438 173 960 |

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