Finding work can be difficult for people with barriers that include homelessness, domestic violence, or trauma and mental or physical health issues. With safety and security being their first concern, support to address their immediate needs is a priority. BUSY At Work’s Workforce Australia Employment Services program works alongside other community organisations to refer clients to supporting programs to assist in addressing barriers to work.
One such program is the Kickstarter Workshop series, delivered by the Centre for Women located in Redlands, Queensland. Kickstarter is an eight-week program for vulnerable women within the community. Many of these women have fled domestic violence situations or have health and confidence issues when it comes to finding work.
Recently, five customers of BUSY At Work were referred to the program and all spoke highly of their experience.
Ionela, a participant who undertook the Kickstarter program, says she gained much-needed confidence, “I now have a greater ability to network and an ability to reach out with less anxiety, improving my social interactions and growth in my volunteer role.
“BUSY At Work gave me the encouragement to do the course and their staff treat me as an individual, knowing my name and personal details.”
Another participant, Grace, who has term goals to find employment and financial independence and one day become a tattoo artist, said, “BUSY At Work has allowed me to do workshops, job clubs, a women’s support to return to work group (Kickstarter) and so much more. They’ve given me financial support with fuel cards, work interview clothes and access to therapy – for free! The staff are kind, considerate and patient.”
The Kickstarter 8-week program for women focusses on:
- Values
- Boundaries
- Goal-setting
- Challenges
- Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Resumes and cover letters
- Interview questions and responses
- Work attire
The program also includes visits from guest speakers who are industry experts, sharing their expertise and experiences in different work roles.
Learn more about BUSY At Work’s Workforce Australia Employment Services.
Find out more about the Centre for Women’s Kickstarter Program.

Graduates from the recent 8-week Kickstarter program with Melissa Cruikshank (far right) from BUSY At Work.