What You Need To Know About Motivating Your Employees

Research suggests that less than half of employed adults think they are working at their peak performance level most of the time and 42% of Australian workers are only “somewhat satisfied” with their job.

If our employees aren’t engaged and motivated at work, productivity levels will be down so it’s no surprise that the estimated cost of employee disengagement is $70 billion dollars annually. Some research even suggests that up to 30% of a company’s financial results are determined by the climate of an organization.

With these sort of stats it’s clear that it is more important than ever to ensure employees are motivated and engaged at work.

How do we get our employees engaged and motivated?

With a workforce that is becoming increasingly disengaged at work, it’s important to motivate employees in order to reduce the cost burden of non-engagement.

  • Employee recognition

A lack of appreciation can easily lead to a lower morale in the office or on the job site, leaving employees to feel as if their hard work is being overlooked or unnoticed. Research shows that workers who do not regularly receive praise or recognition for a job well done are more likely to experience frequent high levels of stress at work. This can lead to lowered job satisfaction for the employee and an increased likelihood of them looking for a new job.

Simple acts of appreciation and acknowledgement of quality work can give employees the boost they need when they start to disengage with work. This is particularly important for young employees who value a positive and engaging workplace culture.

  • Mutual respect

Around a third of workers feel that poor leadership at work is the most stressful part of their job, especially for Millennials. A major aspect of effective leadership is not just driving results, but respecting employees as individuals and having clear vision and direction. Mutual respect between employees and employers correlates with higher job satisfaction which can increase productivity and lower the costs associated with employee disengagement.

  • Reducing conflict

Negative workplace culture can have a huge impact on the likelihood of employees looking for a new job. Half of Aussie workers have experienced one or more incidences of conflict or other negative impacts from work and these experiences are highly correlated with job dissatisfaction. Whether it’s an inconsistent application of company policies, problems in communication or personality clashes with other staff- all of these issues can cost you in productivity. Creating a supportive work culture and building team comradery, through small gestures such as team lunches, can increase productivity in the long run.

  • Communication

Research shows that one in five workers have experienced major problems in communication with a co-worker or boss at work and this can be a barrier to productivity. Tailoring your communication strategies for different age demographics is a good way to combat this. Research reveals that three quarters of young people would prefer a messaging only phone to one that was voice only and Gallup polls confirm that messages now outrank phone calls as the dominant form of communication among Millennials.

Using data like this to your advantage and using communication channels that your employees feel comfortable with can contribute to a more positive workplace and overall greater productivity.

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