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4 benefits of a career in hairdressing

An apprenticeship may conjure up images of construction, mining or manufacturing jobs, but did you know Commercial Cooking and Hairdressing are also considered trades?

Figures from IBISWorld show there are approximately 81,450 people employed in the hairdressing and beauty industry in Australia – and many shops are keen to add qualified candidates to their ranks.

There are a number of hairdressing apprenticeships available to view at Apprenticeship Central. The site’s quick and easy search function enables you to look for opportunities in your area and potentially find the ideal employer. Register online to benefit from this and many other innovative features.

If you’re considering a career in hairdressing, here are some of the commonly cited reasons for joining the industry.

1. Social interaction

There’s no avoiding the fact that working as a hairdresser is going to mean lots of interaction with your customers, which makes it the perfect role for anyone who considers themselves a people person.

As a hairdresser, you’ll quickly build up a roster of regulars who’ll become almost like friends as you learn more about their family, friends and career.

2. Creativity

Admittedly, not everyone is going to be requesting a daring hairdo, but there’s still a lot of room for creativity as a hairdresser. There will be a wide variety of haircuts from customer to customer, meaning no two days are likely to be the same.

You can also train to do facials, manicures, pedicures and various other beauty services to add more strings to your bow and entice more people through the doors.

3. Flexibility

Qualified hairdressers can choose to deliver their services in a number ways, whether you want to be employed in a regular 9-5 salon or visit your customers in their homes.

An appointments-only system gives you even greater flexibility, as you have complete control over the hours you work. This makes it a good job for someone who has to juggle other responsibilities, such as childcare.

4. Be your own boss

If you get tired of working for someone else, there are often opportunities to go it alone in hairdressing. Starting your own business may seem a bit daunting at first, but the effort will no doubt be worth it once your shop is bustling with loyal customers.

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