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Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program

Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program

Applications are now closed

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Round 1 of the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program

The Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program is an initiative of the Australian Government that delivers scholarships to students from regional, rural and remote communities to assist with the costs of attending a boarding school.

The Commonwealth Regional Scholarship
has been designed to provide:
The following scholarships will be available from 2024:
Scholarships of up to 6 years are offered to successful applicants.

Eligible boarding schools/facilities 

Scholarship Applicants must be enrolled in either:
Demonstrating financial need for Tier 1 Scholarships – $20,000 p.a.
(Support for low-income families)
Scholarship Applicant (student or parent/guardian) receives an eligible Centrelink benefit or concession card at the time of application.

Note: Parents/guardians using Low Income Healthcare Card as evidence must provide a copy of their card (both sides) showing their full details and card expiry date.

Scholarship Applicant (student or parent/guardian) can indicate on their scholarship application form the Centrelink benefit or concession card they will apply for (the benefit or concession card must be on the above list).

These Scholarship Applicants can provide proof that they receive a Centrelink benefit or concession card on the above list after the scholarship application period has closed. If these Scholarship Applicants are awarded a scholarship, BUSY At Work will issue a conditional scholarship offer. To confirm their scholarship place, Scholarship Applicants with a conditional offer must provide appropriate evidence that the student or parent/guardian receives an eligible benefit.

Demonstrating financial need for Tier 2 Scholarships – $10,000 p.a. – (Support for low-to-middle income families experiencing financial hardship)
  • Scholarship Applicant (parent/guardian)’s combined household income is at or under the combined parental income limit of $250,000.
    • To confirm this, we will ask for a notice of assessment from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for the 2022-23 tax year, demonstrating income of parents/guardians that the Scholarship Applicant (student) lives with, including stepparents.
    • If parents are separated, the income of the parent that the Scholarship Applicant (student) spends the most time living with will be assessed.
    • If the Scholarship Applicant (student) spends equal time living with each parent, the income of the parent that submits the parental scholarship application form will be assessed.
  • In addition, Scholarship Applicants for Tier 2 scholarships should also provide proof of financial hardship. This can be one or more of the following:
    • Financial hardship statement outlining the cause and impact of financial hardship, including why this impacts the family’s ability to meet the costs of boarding. (For example, this could include information about impacts of medical expenses or other causes of financial hardship on family income).
    • Families with two or more dependent children: Statement outlining the number of dependent children in the family and how this impacts the family’s ability to meet the costs of boarding.
    • Families affected by Australian disaster events, such as recent drought, flood and bushfire: Statement outlining the declared disaster event or other adverse environmental event (including when and where it occurred) and how this impacts the family’s ability to meet the costs of boarding.

When selecting Scholarship Recipients, the Selection Advisory Panel will assess eligible Scholarship Applicants against the selection criteria.

The Selection Advisory Panel will assess:
  • the extent to which a student has demonstrated potential, effort, motivation and/or improvement in their schooling (Note: This scholarship is not just for high academic achievers, but for students who demonstrate appositive attitude to learning and a personal commitment to completing Year 12).
    • the ability of the scholarship program to support a student’s aspirations, such as:
      • enabling access to a quality school education or extracurricular activities not available in their home location
      • a family’s demonstrated financial need for a scholarship
    • the ability of families to support their child while living away from home, including:
      • consideration of wellbeing
      • (if relevant) ability to cover boarding-related costs not covered by this scholarship.
BUSY At Work requires Scholarship Recipients to meet certain requirements to continue to receive the scholarship, such as:

BUSY At Work will also reassess financial need after a Scholarship Recipient has received a Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program scholarship for 3 years.

This reassessment will focus on:


To be eligible for a scholarship, the Scholarship Applicant (student) must

How to check your regional eligibility

The Scholarships are available to students who have a permanent home address in a regional or remote area as defined by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Eligible locations do not include Major Cities.
To check eligible locations:
Health Workforce Locator | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Eligible Regions

After clicking on the link –
Health Workforce Locator Tick the “2016” box against Remoteness Areas.
(This will ensure that the tool displays data from the 2016 ASGS Remoteness Index.)
Click ‘find address’.
A box will appear. Type your address into this box and tap ‘enter’ on your keyboard.
The box will display information about the remoteness category of the chosen address.
For example, Wodonga VIC is classified as Inner Regional:
Broome, WA is classified as Remote:

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