How your organisation can benefit from mature-age applicants

It is common for employers to assume that most prospective apprentices and trainees are either currently in school or have recently left, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Learning new skills and pursuing a dream career are choices that people can make at almost any age.

Mature-age apprenticeships and traineeships offer an excellent way for people to re-enter the workforce or switch careers later in life. Whether candidates are frustrated in their current job, have been away from the workplace in order to raise a family or simply want to start anew, upskilling in a new profession can provide a number of opportunities.

Apprenticeship Central has a range of valuable resources that employers and candidates can use to streamline the apprenticeship and traineeship application process. Registering with the site allows you to contact organisations or potential employees directly, as well as access various tools and information to simplify your search.

So what are the benefits of hiring older applicants for employers who are considering taking on new apprentices and trainees? This article will highlight some of the reasons why mature-age workers could be the right option for your business.

Previous experience: Many older apprentices and trainees have worked in other industries, which means they often have transferrable skills that they can apply to their new job. Even people with relatively little professional experience could have life skills learned from raising children or other care responsibilities that are useful in the workplace.

Leadership abilities: A recent Hudson Australia study showed 32 per cent of businesses don’t have a strategy in place to recruit or promote effective leaders. Mature-age candidates may be willing to take on more responsibility earlier in their training, which could indicate their potential for leadership roles in the future.

Role model: If you decide to take on numerous apprentices or trainees, it’s not unusual for older applicants to act as a good example to younger colleagues. This can improve employees’ performances across the whole department.

Better work attitude: A study from the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry revealed that employers believe older apprentices and trainees are more dedicated and mature in their approach to training. Businesses claimed these workers tend to be settled in their family lives and see qualifications as key to their career progression.

Clearly, there are various benefits to hiring older applicants. However, finding a candidate who is the right fit for your organisation is often the most important part of hiring an apprentice or trainee, regardless of their age.

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