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More employers now eligible for apprentice wage incentives!

2 workers - self employment assistance payments- hand shake
2 workers - self employment assistance payments- hand shake

Great news for employers in 2024! The Australian Government recently updated the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List, adding an additional 19 occupations, including non-trade occupations in sectors such as health care, aged care and childcare.

The Australian Apprenticeships Priority List will be used by the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (AAIS), to provide additional financial support to apprentices, trainees and their employers in order to increase uptake and support completions in priority occupations where significant skills shortages are being experienced.

Apprentice Wage and Hiring Incentives

Over the duration of their employee’s apprenticeship or traineeship, an employer hiring for a role on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List may receive support of up to $15,000. In addition, employers in a non-priority occupation can continue to access wage incentive support of up to $3,500 for commencing an apprentice or trainee.

A total of 60 in-demand occupations and a staggering 900+ qualifications are now included on the Apprenticeships Priority List, proving the government’s commitment to supporting the future growth and skills demands for Australia.

Additional Occupations on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List

Minister for Skills and Training, Hon Brendan O’Connor said, “The Australian Apprenticeships Priority List will help boost apprentice and trainee numbers in priority occupations.

“The occupations on the list are based on hard evidence drawn from public and private data, that has been analysed by Jobs and Skills Australia.

“The work carried out by Jobs and Skills Australia is imperative to determine what skills are needed today and what skills will be needed to future-proof Australia.”

New additions to the 2024 Apprenticeships Priority List include these occupations:

  • Ambulance Officer
  • Animal Husbandry Technician
  • Aquaculture or Fisheries Technician
  • Architectural Draftperson
  • Boat Builder and Repairer
  • Earth Science Technician
  • Fire Protection Plumber
  • Flight Attendant
  • Furniture Maker
  • Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker
  • Irrigation Designer
  • Irrigation Technician
  • Light Technician
  • Mine Deputy
  • Nursing Support Worker
  • Out of School Hours Care Worker
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Shipwright
  • Sound Technician

Supporting employers of apprentices and trainees

Cassandra Horan, General Manager for Australian Apprenticeship Support Services said, “We welcome the review of the Australian Apprenticeships Priority list and believe it will go a long way in addressing skills needs for industry employers.

“BUSY At Work is one of the largest and most trusted Australian Apprenticeship Support Services providers in Australia. Our staff can provide up to date advice on incentives and other support available to employers and their apprentices.”

Find out if your employing industry is included on the 2024 Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.

Find out more about financial and other support for employers hiring an apprentice or trainee.

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