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BUSY backs Queensland Government’s extension of $20,000 Youth Boost

$20,000 Youth Boost Back to Work
$20,000 Youth Boost Back to Work

BUSY At Work is backing the extension of the state government’s Youth Boost initiative, which is continuing to reap major benefits for small businesses and unemployed youth in regional areas.

Introduced by the state government in December last year, the Youth Boost incentive was initially planned to end on 28 February but was extended to 31 October this year following a very successful take up of the program in the initial three months.

The $20,000 Youth Boost payment has been an integral part of the government’s $100 million Back to Work Program which has seen 2,323 Queenslanders employed by 1,090 regional businesses.

The Youth Boost payment is specifically targeted towards employers who hire unemployed youth aged between 15 to 24 in the eligible regions of Far North Queensland, North Queensland, Mackay/Whitsunday, Central Queensland, Wide Bay Burnett North West and South West.

BUSY At Work CEO, Paul Miles said the extension of the Youth Boost payment will allow more regional businesses to take on young unemployed youth.

“Youth unemployment remains a significant issue in regional areas. We congratulate the government for extending the incentive as it will continue to stimulate demand for young job seekers and contribute to reduced levels of youth unemployment right across regional Queensland.”

“We are delighted the State Government is continuing to support genuine job creation and economic growth in these areas by encouraging employers to hire more unemployed young people.”

“We at BUSY have embraced the scheme by employing two young people in Central Queensland to work within our employment programs,” Mr Miles said.

BUSY At Work Regional Manager Alison Welke said the Youth Boost payment would continue to help create job opportunities for disadvantaged young people in regional areas.

“We are a strong advocate for apprenticeships and traineeships as valued career pathways.”

“The continuation of the Youth Boost payment is a strong incentive for employers to hire an apprentice or trainee to help grow your business,” Ms Welke said.

The Youth Boost payment is made up of three installments, which are paid directly to employers across a 12-month employment period. Payments are subject to employers continuing to meet the Youth Boost payment eligibility requirements.

To date more than 755 job seekers aged 15-24 have been hired under the $20,000 Back to Work Youth Boost initiative.

To find out more information about Youth Boost and the Back to Work Program click on the link

Businesses can visit or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).


MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator 0438 173 960

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