More apprenticeship opportunities on the way for regional Queenslanders

There are a number of reasons for people to pursue an apprenticeship in Queensland. For some, it’s their first experience in the world of work. For others, it’s an important lifeline if they’re unable to find other jobs or work opportunities due to various circumstances.

Tough economic conditions in regional areas of the state or long-term illnesses and disabilities can make it difficult for people to find work, especially if they’re part of an older generation. With the Australian Bureau of Statistics reporting that nearly 20 per cent of older employees still find it discover new work opportunities because of their age, it’s important that new job initiatives keep these unique requirements in mind.

Growing work opportunities for regional Queensland

The recent State Budget announcement included positive news for the Queensland job market, including promises that a new $100 million initiative will significantly boost employment opportunities in regional Queensland.

The investment comes under the Back to Work program, one that seeks to improve targeted sections of the job market by supporting candidates and incentivising businesses throughout the state. In total, the state government is hoping that this latest expenditure will create a further 8,000 employment opportunities between now and the end of 2018.

A key portion of this includes the $10 million dedicated towards subsidising certification opportunities for Queenslanders. The Certificate 3 Guarantee Boost Program enables people in the region to attain this qualification at a subsidised rate, ideally opening up more opportunities for employment.

Employment Minister Grace Grace also described how some of the incentives for employers have changed to include apprentices and trainees, hopefully creating even more apprenticeship opportunities outside of the state’s main centres.

“Regional employers who hire an eligible unemployed person will get a $10,000 payment under this initiative,” she explained. “This will rise to $15,000 for the long-term unemployed who have been out of work for 12 months or more.”

“Apprentices and trainees are also counted as eligible employees under the scheme, provided their employer is not eligible for the Government’s payroll tax rebate.”

The Queensland government stated that the initiative has been crafted with input from a range of different stakeholders, such as businesses and industry groups to ensure it meets the needs of all parties.

To find out more about how an apprenticeship can get start your new career, contact the team at BUSY At Work.

By Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

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