Sunshine Coast developments highlight strong future

The Sunshine Coast is one of the fastest growing regions in Queensland, with infrastructure hitting record levels – a great sign for construction businesses and apprentices alike.

The latest positive piece of news was released by the Sunshine Coast Council. According to the media statement, the construction value for building approvals in the July quarter hit almost $400 million. It is important to note that this is 17 per cent higher than the same time in 2014 and is $100 million more than it was between April and June.

Construction is a vital element of the Sunshine Coast economy and provides many employment opportunities. With the rise of both approvals and construction value, it seems that now is the perfect time for businesses to expand their team.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson described the growth as “encouraging”.

“With building approvals in excess of $1 billion for the third consecutive financial year, ongoing development on the coast will attract investment opportunities and employment, ensuring a positive future for our region,” he said.

The Maroochydore City Centre in focus

According to the Sunshine Coast Council, one particular area coming under the microscope is the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area (PDA). Announced as a PDA in July 2013 by the Queensland government, authorities believe that Maroochydore can become “the business, community and employment hub of the Sunshine Coast”.

More than two years have passed since this announcement, but in recent months the project has come to life. Mr Jamieson said this is an exciting time for the region.

“The redevelopment of Maroochydore City Centre started this quarter with the first precinct plans and the application to reconfigure a lot for Stage 1 of the development lodged for assessment by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ),” he said.

“Plans for other precincts within the priority development area have also been lodged with EDQ. This heralds the start of a project that will be transformational for Maroochydore and the broader region.”

Within the Maroochydore City Centre, infrastructure of various forms is planned. This includes residential, commercial, retail and civic, the council outlines.

The rise of the Sunshine Coast

More than 25 significant development applications were made to the Sunshine Coast Council between July and September this year. With many of these projects significant in size, there should be plenty of job opportunities available for apprentices with a passion for quality construction.

By Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

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