The future is electric for automotive apprenticeship opportunities

With fossil fuels being a limited resource, it’s reasonable that a sector based around consuming oil in various forms would have to find an alternative. The rise in petrol-electric hybrids over the past few years is the beginning, but some manufacturers are anticipating – or kickstarting – a move to fully electric vehicles.

Record vehicle sales spark new call for automotive apprentices

As vehicles begin to advance across a range of different parameters – namely fuel efficiency, safety and affordability – more and more Australians are seeing the value in purchasing a new vehicle, which is great news for people seeking apprenticeships in Queensland who are handy when it comes to working on cars.

Will green building be a focus of Queensland construction efforts in the future?

Businesses across the world are coming under more and more scrutiny for the way they operate, especially when it comes to managing their impact on the environment. However, there are a number of changes occurring across various industries, with the construction sector in particular exhibiting an important focus on greener operating practices.

Cairns set to be the centre for tourism expansion

Cairns water front pool sculptures

People love to visit Queensland. Whether they’re travelling here by plane from overseas or by car through neighbouring states and territories, they all have one thing in common: they’re helping to build the economy and keep people employed across a range of different industries.